Why I decided to study data science

Posted by Jessica Newell on January 6, 2019

Simply put, I have a concept for personal development application that will require a thorough understanding of how to work with data to provide feedback on improving performance in life-supporting habits, thought patterns, and decision-making.

As someone who daily works hard to overcome life’s hurdles so that I can thrive and make a positive impact on others, I have a strong interest in understanding why we do the things we do, make the decisions we make, and how we can all do better.

I believe that failing is the only road to success, but if we really want things to change we have to challenge ourselves, measure our feedback and iterate on the choices we make, big or small.

It’s the only way to grow and life is the best experiment we have at our disposal to encompass that growth.

Data science in and of itself is a primarily a study in decision making and measuring success. I want to combine that with a thorough understanding of behavioral economics, human development and performance theory to build a tool that will help people overcome their own hurdles and win in their lives on the things that truly matter most.

Completing this bootcamp is just the first step on this journey and there is much more to learn and research to do before I can even begin developing anything of real value. But it is a step nonetheless and I’m taking it.